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Eye And Vision Care

Fast Facts about Eye and Vision Care

  • About 2.5 million people in this world have vision problems yet they remain uncorrected even though they are preventable.
  • Cataract is one of the leading cause of blindness,
  • 60% of road accidents are caused due to uncorrected vision
  • About 80% of vision problems worldwide are avoidable and even curable.
  • According to American Academy of Ophthalmology, by the age of 75 approximately half of all Americans have cataracts.
  • A consensus meeting concluded that between the year of  2010 and 2050, the estimated number of people affected by the most common eye diseases will double

Our eyes are among our most valuable assets, yet most people live their life unaware of the fact that there might be something wrong with their vision. Lack of vision care and regular checkups is one of the most common reasons people contract various eye diseases. While most of them can be treated easily, some of them can lead to blindness if left untreated for long. These issues may include:


Cataract is one of the leading causes of blindness all over the world. The reason behind the eye disease might differ from person to person. It can be because of high exposure to UV rays, diabetes, or smoking.


This eye disease is the second most common reason of blindness. It damages the eye’s optic nerve and id often found in people over 60 years of age. Early treatments of the disease however can prevent blindness.

Childhood Blindness:

A blindness caused when a group of conditions and diseases are left untreated in the childhood and results in sever visual impairment.


There are more than a hundred diseases that are related to eye and vision. But their symptoms range among the following:

  • Itching, burning, and heavy discharge
  • Sudden eye pains
  • Double hazy or double visions
  • Swollen eyes with redness
  • Spider webs
  • Seeing flashing lights or floating spots
  • Frequent or infrequent blinking
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Bulging eyes
  • Bump on eye
  • Clouding of the eye’s surface
  • Crusty eyelid
  • Loss of eyelashes
  • Eyes pointing in different directions
  • Halos around lights
  • Large and dilated pupils

It’s important to never ignore either of the above symptoms or problems experienced in vision. Early treatment and care can save your eyes and ensure optimal health.

Recommended Supplements

While eating a healthy diet and regular exercise helps manage Eye and Vision Care, it is not enough to keep you fit and healthy. Supplements are essential for managing Eye and Vision Care and reducing its symptoms. But it should be kept in mind that supplements should not be used to replace the treatment for Eye and Vision Care. It is not always true that natural products are safe for use. Many products can react with your body and produce an adverse reaction. Thus, it is better to be safe and consult your doctor before starting to use any supplements for managing your condition.

The following supplements have proven to benefit people with Eye and Vision Care: