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Heartburn And GERD

Fast Facts about Heartburn and GERD

  • More than 60 million people in America suffer from acid reflux symptoms every month.
  • The symptoms of acid reflux can develop in children too from as early as infancy, but they may stop as they grow.
  • The symptoms of GERD are experienced by more than 7 million people in United States alone as per reported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
  • People who are at most risk of developing acid reflux are pregnant women. In fact, more than 50% of pregnant women experience acid reflux in their third trimester.
  • In 2004, more than 3.1 million people were hospitalized complaining if GERD-related symptoms.
  • It is reported that people living with GERD enjoy a lower quality of life and don’t enjoy food, have trouble sleeping and experience difficulty to concentrate when battling with the symptoms.

GERD or Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a digestive disease. It is chronic in nature, meaning it can’t be treated but only managed by medication. The term acid reflux is often used synonymously with GERD however there is a slight difference. In order for acid reflux to be considered GERD, the symptoms have to last for more than two weeks, occurring twice per week.

What really is acid reflux? Acid reflux occurs when acid or content from the stomach moves back into the food pipe (esophagus).  Since the food has turned acidic in nature, it irritates the lining of the food pipe, causing GERD. The most prominent symptom is heartburn, during which an individual may experience sudden pain the lower chest, shoulder, jaw o neck area but it usually lasts for only a few minutes.

There are a number of causes that increase an individual’s chances of developing GERD. The risk factors include:

Recommended Supplements

While eating a healthy diet and regular exercise helps to manage GERD, it is not enough to keep you fit and healthy. Supplements are essential for managing GERD and reducing its symptoms. But it should be kept in mind that supplements should not be used to replace the treatment for GERD. It is not always true that natural products are safe for use. Many products can react with your body and produce an adverse reaction. Thus, it is better to be safe and consult your before starting to use any supplements for managing your condition.

The following supplements have proven to benefit people with GERD: