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Gastric Ulcer

Fast Facts about Gastric Ulcer

  • 1 in 10 people suffer from a stomach ulcer at some point their lives.
  • Gastric ulcers are four times less common than duodenal ulcers.
  • An untreated ulcer can take up 15 years to heal completely.
  • Around 5 million new cases of peptic ulcers are diagnosed each year in the US.
  • Each year, nearly 630,000 people get hospitalized complaining of a gastric ulcer in USA.
  • Approximately 4,604 deaths caused by peptic ulcers have been reported in America since 1999.

Commonly known stomach ulcers gastric ulcers are a kind of peptic ulcers developed on the stomach’s lining. Gastric ulcers develop in the form of open sores and rarely show any severe symptoms, thus often go undiagnosed.

As we all know, the stomach produces a number of different chemical acids to help in the digestion of food. The acids are corrosive but don’t harm the lining of the stomach as another protective barrier produced by the small intestine shields it. However, the balance between the two is sometimes distorted and the stomach produces more acid than usual, damaging the lining of the stomach with its intense acidity. An ulcer develops due to this alteration. What causes the stomach to create more acid; medical experts are still not sure.

People at most risk of developing a gastric ulcer include:

  • People who are 70 or 70+
  • People who consume alcohol frequently
  • People who have a history of peptic ulcers
  • People who smoke
  • Propel who battle with untreated stress


The symptoms of ulcers are barely noticeable however; there are a few general ones that might indicate a problem. These include:

  • A burning or gnawing pain in the middle or the stomach
  • Pain in the upper stomach during meals or after them
  • Bloating
  • Heartburn
  • Vomiting or nausea

Some severe symptoms include:

  • Black or dark colored stool (mixed with blood)
  • blood vomiting that look like coffee-grounds
  • rapid weight loss
  • severe abdominal pain

Recommended Supplements

While eating a healthy diet and regular exercise helps to manage gastric ulcer, it is not enough to keep you fit and healthy. Supplements are essential for managing gastric ulcer and reducing its symptoms. But it should be kept in mind that supplements should not be used to replace the treatment for gastric ulcer. It is not always true that natural products are safe for use. Many products can react with your body and produce an adverse reaction. Thus, it is better to be safe and consult your before starting to use any supplements for managing your condition.

The following supplements have proven to benefit people with gastric ulcer: