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Fast Facts about Hemorrhoids

  1. Approximately 50% of all Americans above or near the age of 50 suffer from hemorrhoids while only 4% of them seek medical treatment.
  2. Women are more likely to suffer from hemorrhoids (24.9%) as compared to men (15.2%). Men are more likely to get medical treatment as compared to women.
  3. An estimate of 10 million people in America suffers from hemorrhoids annually.
  4. Each year, approximately 1 million new cases of hemorrhoids are diagnosed and 10-230% of them require surgical intervention.
  5. Each year, nearly 316,000 people are hospitalized in America for external hemorrhoids.
  6. Out of these 316,000, approximately 17 die each year.

Commonly referred to as piles, hemorrhoids are swollen veins around the rectum and lower part of the anus. When one develops hemorrhoids, the walls of both these vessels stretch and become irritated. The word hemorrhoid has a Greek origin which means veins responsible for discharging blood. Hemorrhoids can be defined into two different types based on their severity. Internal hemorrhoids are inside the rectum and therefore invisible from the outside. These aren’t painful. The most common symptom of internal hemorrhoids is rectal bleeding. External hemorrhoids, on the other hand, are visible as they are around the skin of the anus. These can be very painful as there are more sensitive nerves around.

One is at risk of developing hemorrhoids if it runs in the genes, indulges in heavy lifting, is obese, has diarrhea, involved in anal sexual intercourse too often or puts constant strain on the body. Most females during their pregnancy develop hemorrhoids as their uterus enlarges and as a result, presses the veins in the colon.


The symptoms of those suffering from internal hemorrhoids differ from those suffering from external hemorrhoids; however, there are some common noticeable symptoms which include:

  • Severe itching around the anal area
  • Pain and irritation around the anus
  • Swelling and painful lump formation around the anus
  • Painful bowel movements
  • Fecal leakage
  • Blood on the tissue after bowel movements

Hemorrhoids may be painful, they aren’t life-threatening. Many a times, they go away on their own and don’t require medical treatment. However, if blood loss continues and one remains in severe pain for more than a few hours, it is best to seek medical assistance as prolonged hemorrhoids can lead to anemia, pale skin and weakness.

Recommended Supplements

While eating a healthy diet and regular exercise helps to manage hemorrhoids, it is not enough to keep you fit and healthy. Supplements are essential for managing Hemorrhoids and reducing its symptoms. But it should be kept in mind that supplements should not be used to replace the treatment for hemorrhoids. It is not always true that natural products are safe for use. Many products can react with your body and produce an adverse reaction. Thus, it is better to be safe and consult your before starting to use any supplements for managing your condition.

The following supplements have proven to benefit people with hemorrhoids: