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Food Allergy

Fast Facts about food Allergy

  • Food allergy is a sudden reaction of the immune system that is experienced by an individual soon after they consume a certain food.
  • 1 in every 3 kids has food allergies.
  • Approximately 15 million people in America alone are living with food allergies. 5.9% of that cohort belongs to children below 18.
  • It is also a fact that 30% of all kids with food allergies are allergic to more than just one food.
  • Every 3 minutes, someone with a food allergy is sent to the hospital’s emergency room
  • Annually, families in the United States spend $25 billion in expenses, on caring for kids with food allergies.

When someone is allergic to a certain food, their immune system triggers a reaction by swelling up the airways. Even a small amount of the food can cause the immune system reaction and the patient must be rushed to the hospital immediately for stomach cleaning, as the airways can get completely swollen and disrupt the passage of the oxygen to flow in the body causing a painful death. It is preventive but can be life-threatening if not cured on time.

A number of different risk factors that increases one’s chances of developing a food allergy, most common being hereditary or environmental factors. Any of these can entice a reaction. When the allergens –proteins in the body responsible for causing an allergic reaction –cross the gastrointestinal lining and enter the blood stream, an allergic reaction is caused throughout the body. Food allergies are most common in kids below the age of 18 and in those who are atopic (born with an inherited tendency)


The symptoms of food allergic reactions differ from person to person. Some suffer from a mild reaction while others get severe ones where they can experience shortness of breath, eczema and nausea. For them, the symptoms can be scary. The scariest thing about food allergies is that it only gives the sufferer a few minutes to a few hours before getting treated.

Some general symptoms include:

  • Itching
  • Tingling
  • Hives
  • Eczema swelling of the lips, throat or tongue
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nasal congestion
  • Wheezing
  • Dizziness
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fainting
  • vomiting and nausea
  • Lightheadedness
  • Diarrhea

Recommended Supplements

While eating a healthy diet and regular exercise helps to manage food allergy, it is not enough to keep you fit and healthy. Supplements are essential for managing food allergy and reducing its symptoms. But it should be kept in mind that supplements should not be used to replace the treatment for food allergy. It is not always true that natural products are safe for use. Many products can react with your body and produce an adverse reaction. Thus, it is better to be safe and consult your before starting to use any supplements for managing your condition.

The following supplements have proven to benefit people with food allergy: